
Case Stories from the Contemplation, Insight, and Impact (C2i) Program

Developed in partnership with C2i grantees KIND, Fauna & Flora, Ocean Conservancy, and CoFSA, and consultant Janna McDougall. Graphic design by Anis Annisa Maryam

In 2024, The Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation Global developed four grantee case stories from our C2i Program, which seeks to explore and test the hypothesis that contemplative and wellbeing practices can be applied within frontline nongovernmental organizations to contribute to their external, mission-related objectives. Each case story demonstrates how inner skill-building — such as greater self-awareness, compassion, connection, and resilience — can have inner and outer benefits for the social and environmental sectors. The case stories demonstrate what that can look like in practice, and what can be achieved when funders intentionally support nonprofit inner capacity building. We are grateful to each grantee partner for their openness in sharing their stories, which we hope will spark conversation, imagination, curiosity, new partnerships, and greater investment in inner development for outer change in the nonprofit sector.

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Birth and Rebirth: Conservation at the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang — Cave Temples of Dunhuang: Buddhist Art on China’s Silk Road

Neville Agnew, Senior Principal Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute

Contemplation, Insight, and Impact (C2i) Program Learning Review

Virginie Baggen, Mhairi Dunlop, and Gina Sanchez

Landscape Scan: Youth Leadership and Youth Engagement in Climate and Biodiversity

Mareike Britten and Danielle Deane-Ryan

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