Plastic Pollution

Zero Waste Europe

Grant period

2020 - 2024



Zero Waste Europe connects and supports a vibrant network of local and national NGOs from all around Europe sharing common values and objectives and working together for a zero waste future. The Foundation’s initial support to Zero Waste Europe in 2020 contributed to halting the spread of waste incinerators in Europe, aiming to provide actionable evidence that even modern state-of-the-art waste incinerators have measurable adverse health impacts. Further support from the Foundation in 2022 funds a feasibility study of the potential of Zero Waste Bonds in 3-5 European cities and builds the capacity of ZWE members at the local level to effectively engage with municipalities and guide local decision-makers towards the adoption of more holistic and ambitious zero waste strategies.

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2022 - 2025


Action Speaks Louder

Supporting a communications campaign to raise awareness of the plastics/fashion industry connection.

2022 - 2023


Meridian Institute

To bring stakeholders together to drive action on plastic reuse and refill initiatives and policy

2023 - 2024



Supporting strategic communications to advance global reuse standards to significantly reduce the use of single-use plastic

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