Youth Resilience in a Changing Climate

Climate Psychology Alliance

Grant period

2021 - 2025



Climate Psychology Alliance is a membership-based community organization based in the UK that is a pioneer in the emerging field of climate psychology. CPA’s mission is to advance education in and of climate psychology through research and dissemination of findings, development of materials and training programs and therapeutic outreach, following principles of climate justice and equity in our funding of practitioners who work with climate distress. Initial support from the Foundation in 2021 and renewal support in 2023, supports a clinical coordinator who: implements models of psychological support for young people, supports a team of therapeutic facilitators who run regular gatherings for young people and the adults who care for them, and deepens the partnerships the organization has established and develops new collaborations.

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2024 - 2025

UK, Global

Climate Cares Centre

Addressing the mental health effects of climate change on youth

2022 - 2024


Cohort 2040

Support emerging environmental leaders across sectors with the inner and outer skills to better anticipate and respond to the climate crisis

2022 - 2025


Climate Mental Health Network and the National Environmental Education Foundation

Create K-12 interventions to address the climate mental health crisis amongst youth

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