Arts and Chinese Heritage

The Chinese Culture Center San Francisco

Grant period

2022 - 2023



The Chinese Culture Center, a leading arts institution in San Francisco, maintains a mission to giving voice to equality through education and contemporary art. This grant supports a research and community-building project centered on facilitating relationships between multidisciplinary artists and history bearers (descendants, land stewards, family archivists and institutions). The project will incubate ideas and methods for artistic interventions that can activate early Chinese American immigration history in collaboration with contemporary history bearers and artists.

41 Ross Artists-in-Residence, “Leymusoom Sarangbang” with Artist Heesoo Kwon. Photographer: Robert Borsdorf. Courtesy of the Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco

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University of the Arts London

Creating a network across academic institutions to engage with art and the history of Chinese immigration



esea contemporary

Producing a podcast series, ‘Voicing the Archive’, with artists exploring narratives of Chinese immigration to the UK

2022 - 2023


Wing Luke Museum

Support for a community-based process to plan and design a public art masterplan to interpret the significant stories of the historic sites of the Eng Family Homestead (one of the last remaining and most intact single-family homes in the Chinatown-International District in Seattle) and adjacent Canton Alley.


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