
Landscape Scan: Youth Leadership and Youth Engagement in Climate and Biodiversity

Mareike Britten and Danielle Deane-Ryan

The Foundation’s growing interest in youth leadership in climate change and biodiversity sparked us to commission a landscape scan to better understand the overall picture of people, organizations, and trends in this field. A summary of the findings of this High-Level Global Scan of Youth-Led Organisations Active on Climate and/or Biodiversity and Youth Supporting Partners is available here.

The scan is a joint effort of Mareike Britten, social change strategy consultant, campaigner, trainer and facilitator in the non-profit sector; and Danielle Deane-Ryan, whose career has been devoted to forging strategic and equitable climate crisis solutions. Their deep understanding of environmental issues and the correlations to social justice, and their international network of social change makers have contributed significantly to the landscape scan.

More Resources

Writing Samples of Wong Yi, Fellow of 2023 International Writing Program Fall Residency

Deep Dive: The Need for Wellbeing, Resilience and Mentoring Support for the Environmental Youth Movement

Mareike Britten and Danielle Deane-Ryan

Oh, Pioneer! Imperial China Lands on the West Coast — Emperors’ Treasures: Chinese Art from the National Palace Museum, Taipei

Jay Xu, Director, Asian Art Museum in San Francisco

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