Grant period

2024 - 2025


Global, Europe

Inner Green Deal is a nonprofit organization based in Cologne and Brussels that addresses the human dimension of sustainability and cultivates collaboration, systems thinking, and a widening sense of care. The Foundation provides support for further development and scaling of Inner Green Deal’s Mindfulness Based Sustainable Training (MBST) program, which aims to accelerate the green transformation through inner development, reconnection to nature, and collaboration. The audience for MBST is sustainability professionals in the nonprofit sector globally. The grant will also fund program research on which inner development skills and practices work best in different cultural settings.

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2023 - 2026


The Rubin Museum of Art

Supporting the traveling Mandala Lab



The Conscious Food Systems Alliance (CoFSA)

Supporting Community of Practice and Learning and applying conscious interventions through an incubator and global trainings

2022 - 2024


The Wellbeing Project

View All Contemplation, Insight, and Impact (C2i)